The world of business is changing. It used to be characterised by conquest, colonisation, and consumption. Today it is characterised by connections, communication and consciousness. As change accelerates the future is becoming less predictable, and more risky and competitive.
Two generations ago the world of business used to look something like this: square, mechanical, departmentalised, solid, hard, predictable, ordered, straight lines and clearly man-made. In this world, the individual is king. We are separate from each other. What I do is my business and what you do is your business. This world is weak, fragmented and lacks resilience, especially in times of crisis.
In this world it made sense that businesses models were similar.
Two generations ago the world of business used to look something like this: square, mechanical, departmentalised, solid, hard, predictable, ordered, straight lines and clearly man-made. In this world, the individual is king. We are separate from each other. What I do is my business and what you do is your business. This world is weak, fragmented and lacks resilience, especially in times of crisis.
In this world it made sense that businesses models were similar.
Under these conditions, managers could plan the future with reasonable certainty as shown in the next chart.
Today, the world of business is changing. It is becoming more organic, whole, fast, fluid, soft, unpredictable, fuzzy, messy, networked and connected. It has no straight lines and looks more like nature. In this world, connections are king. We are far more connected to each other than most people understand. What I do has consequences way beyond me and comes back to influence me and others. Consciousness is also vital. Human beings are biological creatures who require meaning in their lives as much as the oxygen they breathe and the nutrients they put in their body. This world is stronger and more resilient, especially in times of crisis.
To be useful in this environment, business models need to change shape also:
Today the future is largely uncertain and cannot be planned using traditional methods. See the chart below.